Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cowboy Quilt

This awesome quilt was made by Karla Sue who is a member of our Quilt Ministry at church.  Can you believe it's her first one???  Wow, and she did everything but the quilting

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blue Minnow

This quilt was made by sewing 4 strips of WOF together and cutting them into blocks.  I think they are 8 inch finished. Strips were 2.5 inches.  The black print has cute little minnows swimming around.  We used leftover fabric for the back - no surprise there!  It was quilted with a pattern called Contempo which I do not recommend for busy quilts.  I like it on the back but the front has too many straight lines.  I think a more curved pattern would have been better.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Simple Cowboy Quilt

This quilt was a quick sew for the quilt ministry.  I love the back where you can see the quilting.

Here's a close up.  The pattern is Square Spiral pantograph.  It's super easy and doesn't show mistakes like some pantographs do!