Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cotton Lawn Leftovers

40 x 53

I had some squares leftover from this quilt and I didn't want to put them in my scrap stash.  So here they are in this small lap quilt.  I had enough left from the backing to add a small green border too. It was easier to sew the cotton lawn to the regular cotton.  It didn't slip as much.

Found this butterfly fabric in my stash and it was a close match!

Not a great big finish, but it's done!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cotton Lawn Plus Quilt

Just a simple plus quilt finish made from a stack of cotton lawn I purchased a while back.  Cotton lawn is thinner than regular cotton and has a silky soft finish.  It kinda reminds me of an old bedsheet because of how soft it is. It was a little more challenging to sew, but it is quite doable.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Cowboy Quilt Made by a Cowboy

This is David's second quilt!  He is my 9 yo son.  You can find his first quilt here.  He enjoyed making the first quilt so much ( a wall hanging), that he wanted to make a lap quilt.  But when he got that size all sewed up, we had enough fabric left over to make it big enough for his bed.

I think this pattern is easy enough for a small child to make by himself.  David was really working on getting his seams to be 1/4 inch.  I had to trim a few spots, but it went together okay.

For those of you who don't know my son, he is a very adventurous, outdoor kinda kid.  He loves all things farming, ranching, and outdoor.  He is the one who volunteers to mow the grass lately, even when it's super hot outside!

I gave it a quick meander and sewed the binding on for him.  But I am so proud that he did such a great job on his quilt!  He's even going to help me make one for his little brother. (They share a room so his will have horses on it.)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Modified Belle Weave

55 x 68

I came up with this design because of the size of the fabric I had to use.  It is a combination of a couple different patterns that I really liked.  I wanted to use up as much of this hawaiian print as I could and there are different amounts of each square.  So strange to find this pile of fabrics, but I knew I could do something with it!

The rectangles are 3.5 x 6.5.  

 I didn't have as much black so I used that for one row in the middle.

Quilting is a panto called All That Jazz.

The back has the rest of the scraps in my usual style!  

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have a great weekend!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Garden Fence Blocks

Myra, from Busy Hands Quilts, is guest hosting for Building Blocks Tuesday.  And while I don't usually post unfinished quilts, I thought I would break the rule today! Sometimes it is good to break a rule, don't ya think?

These blocks are super easy and super cute!  You can find the pattern here.

I haven't decided whether to add the sashing or not.  But I am loving the blue, green, and gray colorway.  Have you made one of these yet?  Did you make it with or without the sashing?

Quilter in the Closet

Toddler Nightgown From a T-Shirt

I saw this post on Pinterest on how to make a nightgown for Emma.  It looked pretty easy and I had everything in the house to make it.  My oldest daughter said that she had a couple shirts she didn't wear anymore, but they were a medium instead of a small.   I used them anyway!

It's hard to take a photo of Emma when she knows that you're doing it.  I tried to distract her, but she keep looking for what I was talking about!

Is it here?

Or down here?

Mine aren't as cute as the original version, but Emma is quite a bit smaller (she's only 22 lbs at 20 months) and my shirt is bigger.  I figure it will last a bit longer though.  Emma doesn't like the zip up jammies with the feet.  So much so that after I put her to bed, she will take them off!  These nightgowns are the perfect solution and she loves them.

Now to go raid the boys closet for a couple more shirts!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Polly Want a Quilt?

48 x 56

Yay, my iron finally arrived!  I am so excited to get something finished!  I have 2 quilts to share with you today.  The tops are the same on both quilts.

This first one has a cream colored back and a red binding.  Love the texture I got with the quilting, but we'll get to that in a minute.

I got this parrot fabric at an estate sale last summer.  It was a weird size and I put off using it because I couldn't decide how to cut it and which pattern would be best for it.

This year is all about getting things out of the closet and into quilts so I came up with this block.  It is made from a cream colored jelly roll I found in the closet.  The parrot fabric is cut 4.5 by 8.5. The block is 8.5 x 8.5 unfinished.

After I had the top sew together, I was worried it was going to be too plain.  It needed some custom quilting to liven it up.

I quilted back and forth in the cream part of the blocks changing directions at every seam working my way across the quilt. I love how it make the parrot fabric puff up.

There are 2 different quilting rows that repeat.  The black arrows show one row and the red shows the next.  Before I started quilting, I poked pins in the top to mark the spots I wanted to quilt to make sure I could get all the way across the quilt without stopping.

If you look closely, you can see where I changed directions along the seams of the blocks.

I had enough parrot fabric to make 2 quilts.  This one has a blue back and blue binding.

The quilting really stands out on this quilt.  It was actually the first one I did.  That's when I decided to put a lighter color on the back of the second one.

When I went outside this morning to take pictures this gorgeous rainbow was waiting for me!

It was much more magnificent in person.  The colors were so vibrant!  It is actually a double rainbow, the top rainbow was more faded. I don't think I've ever seen one like this before.  I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing because there was a tree in the way. But I thought I would share it with you!