Thursday, January 30, 2020

Scrappy Trip Along Quilt

First finish of 2020 is this beautiful Scrappy Trip Quilt. It's cold and gray out this week so I will need to get a better picture of it, but I couldn't wait to share it with you! I love this pattern so much I think I could easily make several more. I chose to do the version that alternates with white, but the classic version is so nice too.  If you want to see some more quilts check out #wwscrappytrip on instragram.

To make this version you need blocks that have prints running up and blocks with prints running down. Make an equal number of blocks of each kind. 

My fabrics are plum, blue, and a grassy green color. Not Seattle Seahawk colors!!! (Myra!) Hopefully the sun will come out soon and I can get some better pictures. I always struggle to get good ones anyway white a white background, but I am determined to do better this year. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

More Cleaning Up and Some Sewing

If you are wondering what I've been up to this month, here it is. This is just some of the 500 yards I have sold from my stash. Yes, 500 yards! I spent some time going through all my fabric storage areas and cleaning out everything I didn't really want to keep. Most of my stash is under my longarm, but some of it is the closet in a few spots. I am trying to get it contained to the longarm area. 

.My bins were too full under the longarm before I went through them and now I have room! The closet still has a bit in there, but mostly it is stuff I need to use or want to use to make a quilt with. I was able to sell some online and some on facebook marketplace.  I did end up measuring and pricing each piece after I sold about 100 yards. Well worth the effort!

I have also been slowly working on two quilts, this one I should have done by this weekend. The lighting in my sewing room is terrible. The colors in this quilt are plum, green and bright medium blue. I can't wait to get it outside and get a proper picture! 

 The other quilt is the quiltville mystery quilt and it's going sloooowwwly! But I am pressing on and I will prevail. Then I hope to move on to pattern writing again. I have several good ideas brewing.  Hope you are all keeping your sewing space a fun space whether that's clean and organized or messy and productive!