Sunday, March 21, 2021

Jean Quilt #3

I am making one of these jean quilts for each of my children, 8 in all. This is my third one. I'm pretty sure the used jean supply is not at risk of running out since we are still accumulating them. My boys like to get holes in their pants faster then they can out grow them! My friend gave me a pair of aqua jeans so that was the focus of this quilt. I plan on this one going to my youngest daughter. I always think of aqua for her because of her pretty red hair.

I used an aqua minky dot on the back instead of a minky lush fleece. It seems to be a tad thinner than the lush even though it is just as soft. I didn't use batting for this one and it feels just a little bit too thin compared to the last two jean quilts I made. It's just as heavy and soft as the others. 

The quilting doesn't disappear as much on the minky dot either. :(  But it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I quilted with black thread and I love the look on the top. The quilting is just a little more sloppy than I remember on the first two. I really wanted to get this one done. AGH...

 Anyway, done is good. Only 5 more to go! The next one is already cut out and the focus color is gray. But I don't think I'm quite ready to sew it. Good thing the kids don't expect them to be finished any time soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Blue and Green Scrap Quilt

I've gone and done it....yep, I finally made myself a quilt! And boy is she a beauty! I dug through every scrap bin and left over block bin that I could find in my sewing room and pulled out these blue, green, and gray fabrics. The top picture is actually upside down. I started with the olive green block in the bottom right with the square in a square block inside it. Then I made a medium blue block and a navy block and a gray blue block.  I then decided to spread out the square in a square blocks around the quilt so I put those up on the design wall and designed around them.

I added the gray pieced because I felt like the quilt needed a spot to rest your eyes. And I wanted to use the gray and white square in a square. I then realized that the blocks around it couldn't' be just one color. It looked to blocky with those straight lines. So I let the colors flow into the next block. I placed the white with green fabrics and the lighter blue fabrics next to the gray to blend the sections. Piecing got real slow at that point, because I was designing every thing on the design wall one piece of fabric at a time.

The colors are truest in the ones on the cement in full sun, but I wanted a full face shot too. For some reason the lighting was just not working and I couldn't even edit it to get the colors that I wanted. But here she is so you can see the actual layout of it. The pictures don't do it justice - it's gorgeous with all those blues and greens!

 And she's all mine! Linking with My Quilt Infatuation