Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quilt Ministry Update

We had a great time last friday and were very productive!  We finished sewing 4 quilt tops. 
One quilt was given out to a lady who is having surgery this week.  
 Quilted and binding half done
 Quilted and ready to be trimmed

 This one still needs a back.

The 4th quilt we finsihed was a flannel rag quilt that Karla Sue took home to cut, cut, cut!!!  We'll get a picture when she's done with it!  And I'll post better pictures when we get the quilts finsihed.

 Ms. Pete made this out of flannel and she gave me a back too.  Going to be quilted tomorrow hopefully!

I made this one last week.  It has pictures of sailboats, light houses, and docks on it.

That's it for today.  I'll post more when we get more done!


  1. Awesome quilts, Shannon! You all are doing great work!! Whoop whoop!!

  2. Really like your colorful kids quilt! very nice.
