Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Two Color Quilt - Purple

PATTERN is now available in  my shop here.

I started this quilt (and a few others) before the long stay in the hospital.  I have been spending as much time as I can trying to get caught up on my quilts before baby Emma comes home.

Love this pattern, but the solid colors made it a little plain.  So I picked out a variegated purple thread to quilt it.  It wasn't the exact shading that I wanted because it never went to white.  You can hardly tell that it changes colors. would be easier to see on a dark quilt.  I was hoping that the curves in the quilting would soften the straight lines of the quilt.  I'll see it better once it's washed!


  1. Oh, Emma's color is wonderful! So glad she is gaining weight and doing well. Sew (and rest) while you can. Your days will be even more busy when she comes home, but then you can love on her all day!

  2. Sweet baby, she looks so content and relaxed..
    Fun quilt - I really like 2 colored quilts.
    Emma will be home before you know it!

  3. Could you tell me where that pattern comes from?

  4. I love your quilt! Did you use a pattern?
