Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two More Quilts for the Pile!

An easy rail fence to use up some fishing fabric that you can't see because I take such bad photos of my quilts. But in my defense, it was windy when I took these and I had to delete all the other photos.  I promise to work on my picture taking abilities this year!

And this one started as a plain 4 patch and I was just going to lay it out with diagonal lines, but it looked too plain.  I kept playing with the blocks and came up with this design.  Love it!


My attempt at trying something new for a photo....I'll keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that some of my quilts just don't like to have their pictures taken. It must be either the pattern or the fabric that make the quilts difficult to get a decent picture.

    It is a great feeling to use up that last little scrap of fabric. Thanks for sharing.
