Sunday, February 9, 2014

Color Expression

Color Intensive Online Workshop

We started class this week with Rachel at Stitched in Color.   Our assignment was to pick 3 color expressions and choose Kona color card swatches and matching fabrics for that expression.  I choose 3:  Cozy, Soothing, and Joy as my expressions.  It was easier to pick the swatches than the fabric.  I was missing some fabric colors in my stash which made it more difficult.

What's more cozy than a cup of Russian Tea?  ( I don't like tea so I drink Russian Tea, which is made of spices, some instant tea, and loads of tang!)  After I gathered my oranges and browns, I decided it needed another color.  Green leaves would go nicely!  I tried to stay on the warm side of the green swatches.

I would have loved to add a few more browns to the stack, but alas, I have no more.  I plan on getting some and then making a quilt out of these:

Here is Joy!  I started picking bright colors for this set and kept coming back to these.  I used to have my sewing room (when it was just a school room) painted in these colors.  I guess I can't change what I love. These colors are playful and fun, like I want school to be!  

My fabric choices are bright and cheery too.  Just need to add some white and another turquoise and it will be ready to whip into a quilt!

My last one is Soothing.  It started at calm, but when I looked at the swatches I had picked I had to change it.  My favorite color is blue and I tend to stay on the cool side of the color wheel.  

I started with the blues and greens and thought some pebbles would go nice.  Reminds me of the ocean, I love the call of the waves.

Don't know if I some lighter fabrics will add to this set or not.  I couldn't find any in the right shade in my stash.  This one is also going to be a quilt.  

This project stretched me in the fabric picking department.  I usually have a main fabric that I can use to pick colors from.  This time it was more a picture in my head.   You can go here to see the stitched in color flickr group.  There are lots of other color expression picks there.  The class is closed now, but I think she might offer it again in the future, check out her blog for more info.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job with your fabric selections - looking forward to seeing the quilts you create.
