Friday, May 9, 2014

Around the World Rag Quilt

About a week or two ago my oldest daughter came in and said, "Mom, we need to make another rainbow scrappy quilt."  Huh?  What?  Are you serious?!  Is this the same 14 year old who doesn't like to sew or quilt?  Yes it is!  We had bought this flannel a month ago because we were at a sale and she liked it, but I always thought I would be the one sewing it.  We pulled the rainbow scraps for a quilt (I'm still working on that one as it has 2.5 inch squares) and then I got out this flannel and she said, "If you cut it, I will sew it."  I was floored and excited.  I told my husband that when your non sewing daughter wants to make a quilt with you, you drop everything and go do it! 

All I did was cut the flannel and the batting.  She quilted the blocks with an X, sewed it together and cut all the edges.  I offered to help her, but I think she wanted to do it all by herself.  And if that wasn't enough, there was enough fabric to make 2  lap quilts.  The other one is almost done.  She's making that one too! What a blessing to do something with my daughter that I love to do.  We had to off center it because of how many pieces of each color we had available.  But it came out perfect when we did the layout of the second quilt.  Here's her beautiful quilt!


  1. How fun for both you and your daughter. It isn't easy cutting all that fringe. Cute quilt, tell you daughter that she did a good job.

  2. I totally love it! She did amazing. All that snipping after sewing is my least favorite part.
