Thursday, June 19, 2014

Even Boys Can Quilt and Quilting Confidently

This is David, my 8 yo son, and his first quilt!  Week took this week off school and he and his bigger brother each made a quilt.  It started with David wanting to make his big sister a pillow as a welcome home gift.  She is an intern at our church camp.  Anyway, he had so much fun with that he asked to make a quilt.  I let him choose hi fabrics and I gave him a couple choices for patterns.  After some seem ripping due to flipped squares and some crocked lines, he finished the top.  I quilted it for him as he is a bit short and can't reach the long arm handles!  Tomorrow we should have Luke's finished so stay tuned!

I usually don't share WIPs, but I just love this one and I am excited to share it.  Had to put off my finish to help the boys.  But this one is ready to be quilted and should be done next week!

Gemma at Pretty Bobbins asked if we had any tips to quilting confidently.  I think you can't worry if your quilting is perfect.  It will never be perfect, unless you have a computerized longarm!  Sometimes I see someone's quilting and I think I couldn't do that on my longarm, I bet that would be so much easier on a sewing machine!  You domestic machine quilters probably think it would be easier on a longarm!  But we'd both be wrong.  It's only easy after you've had lots and lots of practice.  So if you're new and practicing, quilt with thread that matches your top so it can't be seen as much and then love, love, love it however it looks!

Linking up with:

Needle and Thread Thursday                   I Quilt @ Pretty Bobbins


  1. Please tell David that he did a excellent job on his quilt and I like the colors he choose.
    Your weave quilt is very colorful, not sure I would be able to match all those seams! I

  2. oh, what a sweet quilt and I'll bet you made some great memories in helping him create it! I could not agree more with you about your quilting confidently tip. As hard as we try to make something perfect, it rarely ever is. And I always remind myself that things don't have to be perfect to be beautiful and loved.

    Thank you so much for linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. Congrats to your son. My oldest has made his first quilt too. I believe that perfect isn't flawless, perfect is finished.

  4. What a fun quilt, David! I bet you and your Mom had some fun with that!!! It looks wonderful!
