Friday, June 27, 2014

Rainbow Could-a-Been Scrappy Quilt

I really love rainbow quilts!  When I saw this one on pinterest, it was love at first sight!  Immediately I began pulling scraps to make this one.  But when it came down to it, only 3 of the 12 fabrics ended up being from my scrap bin.  Oh well, a scrappy quilt is on the todo list.  

I did, however, use the remaining fabric of all colors on the back of this quilt.  I've never pieced a back like this before and it took rearranging and rearranging to get it just right.  Well, right enough for what I had to work with.  It was either this or buy some gray to match the front.  I don't think that would have been as fun as this colorful back.

Thanks for stopping by!  Linking up with:

Fort Worth Fabric Studio Blog


  1. I love the colorful back, it definitely adds to the quilt. And the front is gorgeous as well. I totally feel your pain about using scraps. I have to wait until I have a banker's box full of scraps before I can consider trying to make a quilt just from the scraps.

  2. Stoppy by from FFF linky! Great kwilt and love the back as well!

  3. This is SO much fun! I love the colors and the pattern. It's fabulous!!!

  4. Great quilt!! Love the colors.

  5. Ooo - I LOVE this quilt! :D It's nice and colorful, yet still breezy-feeling.

  6. So pretty! I love both sides, and you're right about the colourful back being more fun than a plain grey would have been.

  7. Fabulous finish! Great colors and pattern.

  8. it looks amazing!! You've done a great job :)

  9. The front is fabulous, but I also love your pieced back. Bravo!

  10. It's a wonderful quilt. The colors are stunning. The back is fabulous. I love how you worked all the pieces together.

  11. Hi Shannon - another great quilt! I love the use of gray on the front. The back is just as much fun as the front. Thanks for sharing.

  12. My boys love this rainbow quilt. (They like to read over my shoulder.) Your backing is awesome. I love scrappy backs, but they do take more planning.

  13. Visiting from Link a finish friday. This is absolutely amazing. Something quite different to what I normally see. love it
