Friday, August 1, 2014

Winter In the Woods

Even though it's summer right now, this quilt has me thinking about winter.  We are ususally pushing 100 degrees here in Oklahoma, but it will be a cool 77 today.  This isn't the first cold front to come through this summer.  Ahh, cool rainy weather...fall, long sleeves and sweatpants!  

Anyway, my husband asked me to make a quilt to take on his business trip to China. Custom has it that you are supposed to give a gift to your host  I didn't really have any in my closet that seemed worthy. So I scoured pinterest for my inspiration.  

I picked fabrics that reminded me of pine and birch trees in the winter.  The black fabrics represent the shadows on a gray winter day.  My daughter said the white and gray should be snow. (She's never seen a birch tree.)  Plus quilts are probably my favorite because they are so easy, yet don't look plain.

Easy meandering on this quilt with a gray thread.  Wasn't sure how much time I would have to get this quilt done.  But it is ready to go!

Linking up with:


  1. I love the colours you have chosen - the greens blend with the grass in the background, and certainly capture the birch trees.

  2. What a wonderful gift for your husband to present to his host. I love birch trees. I am going to have to make a "plus" quilt!

  3. Fabulous job. Just love the color combinations in both quilts.

  4. I also love the color combination. Great job!

  5. Wow that is beautiful! Love the colors and the custom...that is really cool.
