Sunday, May 31, 2015

Elementary, My Dear!

My iron broke the other day and it's going to be a while till it gets here.  Do you realize that you can't do anything but quilt when you don't have an iron?  I was going to put some binding on...but no, you need to iron it.  

I haven't posted in a long time so I thought I would show you this awesome fabric that I purchased with a gift certificate. (Thank you, sweet lady!)  Meet Elementary from Moda.  If I was made into a fabric line, it would probably look like this!  Okay, this is only one side of me.  There are many others!

But I love the colors (think relaxing day at the beach) and the prints (alpha - numeric).

Favorite Print in the Pile!

A Close Second!

So I thought you might like to learn a few things about me that you might not know:

1.  You all know that I homeschool my 8 kids, but you might not know that I have been homeschooling for over 14 years and I graduated my oldest last year.

2.  I love math!  (Not one of my kids shares my passion, but I have 2 hopefuls left)

3.  I have a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Washington.  (I only used this for a year and a half, then got married and became a mama.)

4.  I have lived in Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, Rhode Island, California, and Oklahoma.  (The Pacific Northwest was my favorite.)

5. I like to sing songs at the top of my lungs while dancing around the house.  (I do this mainly because it drives my kids nuts!)

6.  Quilting is my very favorite thing to do.  (This is no surprise - is it?)

I have 2 quilts almost finished and one done that was a pattern test.  Hope to post them soon!  Have a great week sewing and quilting.


  1. How fun to learn more about you today! I would never have guessed this was your favorite fabric line or that you were a Chemical Engineer back in the day! I knew you were good at math and you love to quilt, though! I see the aqua on the wall matches Elementary so very well. I can' t wait to see what you make with it.

  2. So fun to learn more about the non-quilting side of you. Love the bit about Singing and dancing. Hope your new iron arrives soon!

  3. I really like that fabric too, but have no idea what I'd do with it. I've been without an iron before too. It makes you appreciate having one.

    I loved learning more about you. I love math too!

  4. That's such fun fabric! I tend to shy away from "schoolish" stuff, but that's just too neat to resist.

    1. Yes, I agree! I think it's the engineer in me more than the homeschooling mom that really likes this fabric.

  5. OhMyGosh, that's an awesome collection of fabrics!!!!!
