Thursday, October 15, 2015

Boxed Argyle Quilt

I've had this argyle print sitting around in a pile with this striped print for several years now. The white with polka dots was in there too.  So I picked this pattern to make the quilt.  The pinterest link is no good, so I just drew it up in my notebook.  The large squares finish at 9" and the small ones finish at 4".  The sashing is 1" finished.

56 x 71

I tried to match the argyle print on the border.  That was as close as I could get.  Let's just say I won't be using that kind of fabric for a border anytime soon!  Because of that, I used the rest of it as the binding and the back of the quilt.  All gone!  (I had already cut a few pieces to put in the next quilt so you will be seeing it again.  Don't want you to think I was lying!  I made both tops before doing the backs.)  Hope your weekend is fall-like!

Needle and Thread Thursday


  1. This looks amazing! It is a great pattern to show off these busy prints. The sashing fabric tones them down and ties it all together. Awesome!

  2. The colors/patterns in the fabrics you used all work together to make the perfect guy quilt.

  3. Oh, Shannon! This is great! The argyle is fantastic! What a quilt!

  4. That pattern is great for the argyle print. You do such a nice job matching fabrics to patterns. I also like the backing design.
