Friday, November 27, 2015

Morse Code

52 x 64

This was a fun one to quilt!  The pattern is called Tonga Punch Morse Code.  I changed it a bit by taking off the borders and I added a few extra rows.  I like this pattern because each row is one  2-1/2 by WOF strip cut into pieces. Original pattern can be found here

I thought it would be fun to quilt dashes and dots in the sashing.  They aren't even close to perfect, but if you don't get too close they look really cool!  I was also going to do a square spiral in each row, but after quilting the first one, it was way too dense.

So I switched to a boxy type line that you can see above.  Since I had already quilted a row of the spirals, I continued that design every 4 rows.  It worked out evenly down the quilt.

I threw in this fabric from Hobby Lobby on the back because the tan was a little short.  It's almost the same colors as the front. It was nice to try some different quilting for a change.  It has great texture, can't wait to see it after it gets a wash!

Linking with Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Rainbow Patchwork

45 x 54

Can you believe this quilt is made from leftover from my postcard quilt?  I had cut the leftover strips into squares and had so many I wanted to make a quilt from them. I did have to get into my stash for some purple, but that was about it.  I wish I had taken a picture of the top before it was quilted.  It was so plain.  Now it looks awesome!

I quilted back and forth in each square across the quilt alternating directions.  I only messed up once. Can you find it up there?  I'll give you a hint:  it's on a green square.  I had started thinking about something when I was quilting and oopps! Went the wrong way! No big deal.

For the back, I used a gray scratchy looking fabric that was wide enough for the whole quilt.  I used it for the binding too.

Myra, I thought of you when I saw the pictures of this quilt!

Linking to Freemotion by the River

Monday, November 23, 2015

Frogs and Bugs Baby Quilt

31.5 x 40.5

This is a simple and cute baby quilt.  My 10 yr old son made the top.  He has gotten so much better.  In fact, most of his seams line up perfectly!

He chose some frog and bug prints to go with some of my 5" square scraps.  I gave it a quick meander and added the matching binding.

I think he needs to be making some more baby quilts because I usually don't make those myself!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Scrappy Black and Red Twister


This twister quilt was made following Jasmine's tutorial except I cut my squares at 6 inches instead of 10 to make a smaller twister block.  And I used white for every other twister to lighten the quilt up a bit.

I laid my ruler 1.5 inches in from the left on the top and 1.5 inches in from the right on the bottom and made a cut.

I don't have a rotating mat big enough so I just moved my ruler without moving the fabric.  Repeat the same cut.

Each piece ends up looking exactly the same.  NOTE:  remember to place all squares right side up when cutting on the 4 pieces or they will be backwards.

I was deciding between twisters that were all the same in the block or the scrappy version. After I laid out the pieces, I decided it would be easier to cut some of the white into 2 pieces instead of 4 so there would be less sewing.  I forgot to take a picture of this and you can't see it in the picture.  Sorry!

I went with the scrappy version.  I somewhat randomly placed a black and red print together and sewed all the blocks.  Then I trimmed them to 4.5 inches.  Them placed them out on the design wall to make sure all the different fabrics got spread out.

I really love this quilt!  I plan on making some more in the future.  Perhaps lime green and teal or maybe even 3 different colors.  Lots of options with this pattern.  Hope you give it a try!

Needle and Thread Thursday