Friday, November 27, 2015

Morse Code

52 x 64

This was a fun one to quilt!  The pattern is called Tonga Punch Morse Code.  I changed it a bit by taking off the borders and I added a few extra rows.  I like this pattern because each row is one  2-1/2 by WOF strip cut into pieces. Original pattern can be found here

I thought it would be fun to quilt dashes and dots in the sashing.  They aren't even close to perfect, but if you don't get too close they look really cool!  I was also going to do a square spiral in each row, but after quilting the first one, it was way too dense.

So I switched to a boxy type line that you can see above.  Since I had already quilted a row of the spirals, I continued that design every 4 rows.  It worked out evenly down the quilt.

I threw in this fabric from Hobby Lobby on the back because the tan was a little short.  It's almost the same colors as the front. It was nice to try some different quilting for a change.  It has great texture, can't wait to see it after it gets a wash!

Linking with Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. What a great quilt! Looks like it was fun to make. Great quilting, too!

  2. I like the box quilting. It is really a fun pattern. Looks completely different without the borders. Thanks for the link. Your quilt looks great.

  3. Looks so good. The quilting is spot on too. Thanks for showing us.

  4. Your quilt is so refreshing.....leaving off the borders was ane excellent design decision, as was the clever quilting motifs!!

  5. Yes I can see how fun that would be to quilt!! It's beautiful.

  6. Love your quilt!! The colours are amazing and the quilting is great!

  7. I love the quilt! The contrast between circles and boxy lines is awesome!

  8. Shannon this is great! I love your quilting! Fantastic! Color is great too!
