Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Polka Dot Baby Quilt

40 x 50

This cute top was pieced by my son!  While he likes to sew, it usually takes him a long time to make a top.  I remind him once in a while to sew a row or two or do some ironing. His sewing skills are improving a lot. Most of his points match!

I gave it a larger meander than normal.  Muscle memory made this a little more challenging! I kept wanting to make it smaller.

Small polka dot on the back with a solid red binding was all I could find in my stash for this quilt.  But I think it goes nicely and David is pleased.


  1. I am so impressed! He did a fantastic job! Love those dots!

  2. Such a fun cheerful quilt. He did such a great job. My oldest is ready to make another quilt.
