Friday, February 19, 2016

Rainbow Bargello

 66 x 81 (after washing)

Look at this gorgeous quilt! Before we get started on what I did and the changes I made, you can find the original quilt tutorial here. (link is no longer valid- sorry) She used 2 Classic Rainbow Kona Cotton Jelly Rolls.  I found a list of the colors in that roll and made my own. This quilt is for sale in my shop. (SOLD)

I followed all her directions except the cutting.  She started with a 1 inch strip and went up to 3.5 inches by quarter inch increments.  Then she went down to 1.5 and back up.  Since we started with a 1 inch strip I went down to a 1 inch strip instead of 1.5.  So I have 2 more strips in the middle of the quilt.  I think it might have been better to go from 1.5 to 3.5 and back down to 1.5 as those little strips are too small.

I was having trouble deciding what color to quilt with: either medium gray or mono poly.  I finally decided on the gray thread because it is so much easier to deal with.  It looks great on every color!

Then I had to decide on the binding.  It was between red, blue and a blue-green jade color.  I can't remember the kona name at this moment.  I only had enough blue and red, so I chose blue.  I like this choice too!

I found this black cross hatch in my stash.  I know it looks gray here, but it's really black and white. It was extra wide so I didn't need as much fabric as I thought, but I did need 7 or 8 inches more.  I really wanted to put a rainbow on the back even though it was extra work cutting all those strips.  Yep, please with this choice too!  

Kyrstal says this quilt is fast and easy.  I disagree.  I was anything but fast.  There are 41 strips to sew together and then 36 rows that had to be pinned, each seam of every row.  I was pretty tired of pinning, sewing, and ironing over and over.  I ended up sewing a few at a time.  But I do think this quilt is worth making!  I would recommend using Kona because these colors are very saturated. I substituted a couple non-kona colors and there was quite a difference.  Although I did get them blended in pretty good.

This was my One Monthly Goal.  It also fits into the Year of the Stash.  I hope you are using your stash this year too, one quilt at a time!


  1. Shew, that does look like a lot of pinning and ironing with all those pieces! But it made for a fantastic quilt! I love all the colors! :)

    1. I need help. I started my Rainbow Bargello from the older pattern I found. I am using 2 40 strip jelly rolls. I have sewed one roll, and am now sewing the strips from the 2nd one together. What I don't understand is when I have the 2nd tube, do I cut it the same as the first? And how do the two come together? My first Bargello!!

    2. If I remember correctly, there were directions for cutting each set of tubes. You will have to refer to her pattern for the exact directions as she explains how to sew it all together.

  2. Thank you for explaining what you did differently and the resulting differences. I've done bargello before, but not with solids. It IS a lot of work. Love the backing too and the front is so pretty!

  3. Wow! I love this quilt. It is so colorful and cheery. Beautiful work!

  4. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful!

  5. Nothing about this quilt looks "fast and easy" but it sure is a fantastic finish! And oh my...the quilting is awesome too! Is it FMQ? Am I allowed to ask that? ;)

  6. You just keep on cranking out such beautiful quilts, and this one is so bright and cheery, LOVE!!

  7. This is definitely and OMG -- or Oh My Goodness what a great quilt this is. Love how you blended your colors so well. It would have been a fraction easier if you'd used jelly rolls but the pinning and ironing is the real time killer. Great job.

  8. I love these saturated colors. A gorgeous rainbow quilt!

  9. This is just too beautiful. I love it. Thanks for sharing it on TGIFF and congratulations on finishing your monthly goal.

  10. This looks absolutely amazing! Your colors blend together so well and the quilt has great movement. Congrats on the finish!

  11. Your quilt is just stunning! We are featuring your quilt over on the FWFS blog! Thanks for stopping by and linking up!


  12. WOW, Shannon, your finish is stunning! I love it, and all the great choices you made!!!

  13. Wow! So beautiful! Congrats on finishing your goal!

  14. What a masterful finish, not surprising that is sold so quickly!

  15. Hello, Shannon. I know I'm a little late coming to this party, so to speak, but I love this quilt and my granddaughter has requested a rainbow quilt of her own. I tried to go to, but found that the blog has been removed. Is there another link that you could share where I could get this pattern? I appreciated whatever help you can give me.

  16. If you want a smaller lap quilt how many jelly rolls would you use?

  17. Does the cutting start at the right ?? I’m confused about that
