Friday, May 27, 2016

Old Fashioned Patchwork Quilt

 94.5 x 103.5

This quilt is made from the same fabrics as the one plus a few more I found that I could throw into the mix.  I think I'm getting smarter, because I cut the strips for this quilt when I cut the strips for the last quilt.  No sense putting the fabric away just to get it back out and iron it again.

It has a much different feel than the more modern Brick Cottage Lane. This one is more traditional and old fashioned I think. I like them both, but I'd say that I'd pick the modern quilt every time.

Just like the last queen sized quilt, I pieced the back trying to use up the larger leftovers. This size quilt takes up so much fabric.  I don't keep more than 5 yards of any of my fabrics.  Mostly my large pieces are 3 to 4 for backing lap quilts. This quilt used up 16 yards of fabric!  That's gonna help off set a fabric purchase I made this week.

Linking with:

   Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Love the fabrics, Shannon! The quilt is very calming and beautiful!

  2. It's beautiful! Patchwork quilts are timeless. I believe you can market it as a king since there's a 14" overhang on three sides.

  3. Wow! That is a big beautiful quilt. These fabrics play so well together. Congrats on finishing it and using so much of your fabric.
