Thursday, October 27, 2016

Quilt A Long Progress

I've been working on two QALs this month.  The first one is A Trip Around the World QAL with Myra of Busy Hands Quilts.  I have all my rows ready to sew together.

The second one is the Charming Plus QAL with Tisha of Quilt Therapy. I have started working on my blocks.  My cute helper is always close by!

Since I was showing what I have been working on, I thought I'd throw in a couple more photos.  I made some whole wheat bread today with fresh ground wheat.  Yummy!

And finally I've been quilting a stunning rainbow quilt for a customer. I will be posting about this one soon.  Here's a sneak peak: 

Check back tomorrow as I have a finished quilt and a new pattern from Myra to share with you!


  1. It is fun seeing your works in progress and your cute helper. I love the bright colors in your plus quilt.

  2. Beautiful work AND fresh bread? You need a cape, my friend. ;) I can't wait to see your finished quilt...those colors are gorgeous!
