Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Use Your Stash and a Baby Quilt

 40.5 x 45
Up first is this cute little patchwork baby quilt. I love this kind a quilt because it doesn't take long to put together.  I had some gray circle fabric left over from a larger quilt and so I used it on the back of this one. 

I have a confession to make - I only finished 3 quilts this month and 2 of them were baby quilts! WHAT?  Yep, it's the truth.  But in my defense, I have got 2 tops ready to quilt and 8 more all cut and ready to sew.  My longarm has been giving me some trouble and I think I just didn't want to deal with it.  But I finally made myself fix it and now things can get back to normal.

How have you been doing on using your stash this month?

Fabric Usage
In:  0
Out: 19
Net:  33.75

Friday, February 10, 2017

Charming Baby Quilt

42 x 42 

This baby quilt was made from some leftover charm squares my friend sent me a while ago.  I added in a couple more prints from my scrap bin to finish it out.

My handsome helper said his arms were getting tired during our photo shoot.  I think he just wanted to be seen in the photo!

I had some thread issues on the back of the quilt.  Three knots and only 3 knots.  One of my facebook groups suggested changing the check spring.  I guess you're supposed to do that every year and I have never changed it.  So I changed it yesterday and worked on the tension while I was practicing these swirl feathers Vicki likes to do.  I still got a knot, but it was towards the top when I might have been adjusting the tension still.  So I need to do another practice piece before loading a quilt.

This is actually my second piece.  The first piece was a farming chicken fabric and you can't see the quilting in the pictures.  I did better on the first one than this one.  Although it doesn't look too bad.  It is a fast freehand pattern, so I want to get better at it.

Linking with Myra at Busy Hands Quilts.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January Use Your Stash Update

I am still participating in using my stash.  It really helps keep me accountable with my purchases. I have been encouraging my friends to do this too.  January is always a month for buying solids because Missouri Star Quilt Company offers those discounted gift cards at the end of the year.

I am happy to say that my solid stash is looking good right now. I have plans to make several different and new to me quilts with some of those solids. I always have plans, but sometimes it takes a while to get to them!

There are also plans to make three different HST quilts on my list with these fabrics.

 And a Jelly Roll Wave quilt in these.

Then there is a 4 patch quilt and a baby girl quilt all ready to sew  this week.

And finally I have one ready for quilting.

I was away from my sewing room for a few days and came back to having nothing to work on.  I think that has been taken care of now!

Fabric Usage
Out:  51.5
In:  36.75
Net:  14.75