Friday, February 10, 2017

Charming Baby Quilt

42 x 42 

This baby quilt was made from some leftover charm squares my friend sent me a while ago.  I added in a couple more prints from my scrap bin to finish it out.

My handsome helper said his arms were getting tired during our photo shoot.  I think he just wanted to be seen in the photo!

I had some thread issues on the back of the quilt.  Three knots and only 3 knots.  One of my facebook groups suggested changing the check spring.  I guess you're supposed to do that every year and I have never changed it.  So I changed it yesterday and worked on the tension while I was practicing these swirl feathers Vicki likes to do.  I still got a knot, but it was towards the top when I might have been adjusting the tension still.  So I need to do another practice piece before loading a quilt.

This is actually my second piece.  The first piece was a farming chicken fabric and you can't see the quilting in the pictures.  I did better on the first one than this one.  Although it doesn't look too bad.  It is a fast freehand pattern, so I want to get better at it.

Linking with Myra at Busy Hands Quilts.


  1. Glad to see you tried it Shannon!! Wasn't it fun? Looking good too.

  2. Absolutely love this little quilt and an adorable helper too!

  3. That is a very cute baby quilt, and looks like it would be fairly quick to make too. I like the little patchwork border, that extra little something, you know?


  4. Very pretty! Sometimes simple is the best!

  5. What a coincidence! I was just learning Vicki's feather swirl too! I love seeing your version and hope my version turns out half as well!

  6. Very pretty. A great way to use the stash of charms.

  7. Oh that's so sweet - and your quilt holder is adorable :)

  8. That is a darling quilt and a handsome helper. Your swirl feathers look great! I am still doodling that design.
