Monday, May 1, 2017

April Use Your Stash

This is a little quilt I made for Emma. She helped me pick out some fun fabrics from the scrap bins. Even the back is made from scraps from her oldest sister's quilt. She also tried to help layout the quilt on the table. Josie has one very similar that I made for her when she was three. It seems that is the age that they ask for their very own little quilt!

I quilted it with some hot pink thread. I added some words to personalize it - love, you, Emma, Grace, and a heart. This made Josie a little upset because she didn't get any words on hers!

Used the same striped fabric from the back for the binding. 100% scraps! 

I still need to make a quilt for Emma's bed, but I want to wait until we move and see who will be in what room before I do that. Who knows when we will be moving, but hopefully soon!

I have been very good again this month in not buying any fabric! Finally seeing the net usage number getting big. I am so excited to move some of this fabric out of my stash. I made 3 baby quilts and 3 lap quilts this month counting Emma's little quilt.

Fabric Usage
In: 0
Out: 36
Net: 119.75


  1. Cute quilt for Emma! They sure have fun picking out fabrics for a quilt at that age. Doing great with fabric usage - less to move!

  2. It's so awesome they ask for a quilt! You are such a good girl, no fabric buys! Moving to a new area/state or just within your area?

  3. So cute! I love that she gave her input. Moving?
