Monday, July 31, 2017

July Stash Report and Rainbow Baby Quilt

36 x 40 

Wow! It's taken me a month to get this quilted. Well at least it is done. I used the two at a time method for making these HST so I actually have another one ready to make in the closet. Does that mean I now have a WIP that will get lost and become a UFO? Uh oh!

July Stash Report
I've been busy working on many different quilt tops, but only finished a couple. Next month should look very good for fabric usage! I had to buy some fabric for the memory quilts I'm working on and for some other project too.  Nothing  is going in the stash so I still feel good about my purchases.

Out:   40.5
In:     41.25
Net: 144


  1. Your rainbow is so cute. If you have a set of matching HST, does that mean that these are all different?

  2. This is awesome! I love the rainbow stripe effect you've created!
