Friday, September 8, 2017

Family Rail Fence

60 x 70

My friend wanted a quilt to give her mother for her birthday. She wanted me to quilt the names of all her kids and grand kids on it to make it special. I gave a her a few patterns to choose from and she chose this one. I liked this one because it had strips to put the names on.  I need all the help I can get when doing cursive on a quilt. I need all the help I can get to even write cursive on paper!

I spread the names out by family. She has 4 children, so each child got a corner of the quilt. Then under those names, I put their children's names. I put her mom and dad's name in the middle of the quilt. 

I used a disappearing ink pen to mark the names which really helped me. Then I sprayed it with water to get it to go away. Worked out pretty good! Simple pattern made special with some custom quilting.

Linking with Finished or Not Friday and Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. I love how you quilted the names into the rails. I will have to remember that when I want to make a family quilt. This us more my style than a tree/leaf quilt.

  2. Beautiful! You did a great job!

  3. What a wonderful idea! And a beautiful quilt, too!

  4. My cursive stinks(at least I think so) I have never tried quilting with it. I think yours looks great!!!

  5. I like this idea! I'm going to make a note to remember it. The colors of the quilt are great too, kind of calming to me.
