Monday, October 2, 2017

September Stash Report

I made this cute pillow case for a friend that had surgery this week. I wanted to give her something to cheer up her bed while she was in the hospital. I put this in a gift basket with some essentials and gave it to her before she left.

I have been buying so much fabric for customer quilts lately that I didn't even want to post this report. But this is what keeps me accountable and I feel I need to finish out the year. I finished a lot of quilts I had started in the last two months. And I restocked the kona cotton as I have been going through it quickly.


In:   116
Out:  77.5
Net: 114.5 out for the year


  1. Yeah, stash reports kinda tanked for me. The black and white quilts will help your counts!

  2. I've been doing some stash building this year and haven't kept up with my reports. Your net is amazing!
