Thursday, January 4, 2018

Springtime Patchwork Quilt

58 x 67

 Here's a little springtime for you in the cold of winter! This quilt is made from Moda Summer Breeze IV layer cake. I love this pattern and I'm happy to keep making it.  When you make it from a layer cake all you need is 4 more squares and a half yard for the inner boarder to make the top.

And on another note I have most of my scraps cut and put away.  The prints are done, just need to finish the solids. It's been a while since I have taken time to do that. I usually cut and store my scraps after finishing three or four quilts or about once a month. That way they don't get out of hand!

Hope you are having a great start to the new year!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts.


  1. This is so pretty and cheerful! Is that a 2 inch (finished)border? I'd love to make this!

  2. You beat me, I don't have a finish yet:) Hopefully today. I have always loved blue and yellow together. So what's the temp down there? -8 here this morning with a high of 0, good day to quilt!

    1. Brrrr! We were a balmy -2 this morning with a high of 8. A regular heat wave! I guess that's because I'm 'down south' huh?! Stay warm and enjoy. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Hi Shannon,
    Now if that's not yelling springtime at us, I don't know what would! Yes!! I am ready for it . . . and it's only January 5th. Waaaa. Looks like a fabulous quick quilt and I can see the great snuggle factor from here. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Love the spring quilt! Blue and yellow is one of my favorite color combos.
