Friday, April 6, 2018

Minecraft Quilt

Well, I had to post this just to show you that I've been working!  I only took one picture before I sent it off.   Minecraft quilts are fun to make if I only make them once in a while.  Since I haven't made one in a while I enjoyed this one.  You can find the pattern here.  Email me for the pdf pattern.$10.99

I just went looking for pictures of my kids helping in the sewing room and apparently I have not been taking any. I've been really slacking in the picture department all around. I don't even have any of the kids this year except for Easter. This needs to change! My kids help layout the tiny squares to make the faces and my teenager checks them and puts them in numbered rows.  Sometimes I can even get them to help with ironing!  I promise to get pictures next time!


  1. Yeah for kids sewing and earning their supper!

  2. I am so happy to say that this quilt was made for me to give to my grandnephew's upcoming birthday who wanted me to made this quilt for me. Knowing that having this on my plate as having to do was not going to make me happy, I was so glad I opted to have you make this for me. If I would have made it, it would not be twin size and as beautiful as you and your kids made it. And the quilting, there is no way I could have done what you did. I've shown a photo of it to the Aunt and Grandmother already and they are excited about it too. Yay for kid labor/quilt team and I wish I had some to help me. I used to like to torture my sons by asking them if they wanted to make a quilt and I can still remember their faces. Thanks so much Shannon; I'm glad to see that you enjoyed making it.

  3. I too have been lacking with the pic's and blog posts-it all takes time away from sewing!! You seem to have a pretty good set up with the assembly line:)
