Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jean Quilt #1

 55 x 67

This quilt turned out so much better than I was expecting! Like I said earlier this week, this quilt top was put away last year (along with it's brother) because  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. But someone kindly asked me about them and wanted to know how it sewed up. Being the accommodating person that I am, I decided it was time to finish at least one of these jeans quilts completely so I could answer all of the questions.

I like the sashing because the seams are all ironed toward the sashing which makes the top feel completely flat. No thick seams. I sewed it with my regular needle on my sewing machine and had no trouble at all.

I loaded it on my longarm and did some custom quilting since it's for the kids. It was an awesome practice quilt since they don't care if I mess up. And I did mess up several times. I only unpicked once because it was really bothering me.  I used the same needle I always use for the permacore thread. I think it's a size 18. 

The back is really black soft and cuddle fabric (just like minky) and not gray. I was going to edit the photos, but you can see the quilting better this way. I almost bought the minky dot, but I think I like this smooth version better. It's just as soft and the quilting shows, but no thread shows.

Each size square got a different motif. I used the ruler to do the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical lines, and the X's I put in the little squares. The rest was all freehand. It was my first time doing the watery meander. Not sure I didn't it correctly because I kept getting stuck on the sides or I would end up being too close to loop back and forth. All in all, it turned out okay. I'd love to try it on a whole quilt doing a bigger design.

The two large blocks were quilted with small loops and the word love. It's subtle, but you can still see it. A sweet touch for the child who will get this one without being too girly.

Now the question you all want it heavy?  Yes, and no. I didn't want to use batting because that would make it very heavy. The cuddle fabric on the back makes it feel like it has batting. The texture is so awesome. I keep rubbing my hand over the designs. I think it's a bit too heavy for a summer quilt, but it will be perfect for winter when the house is colder.  I am even thinking of making one for our bed. It would be for winter when I use 2 quilts (I could just use one if it was this jeans quilt).  I think the weight of it would be lovely to sleep under. It is heavier than a regular quilt, but not so heavy that you wouldn't want to use it.

Some of my quilt holders on standby...

I tried very hard not to stretch the backing fabric as I quilted it. It is just a tad wavy, but it's not as wavy as the first picture makes it look. Here it is laid on flat on the floor.

And just one more so you can see the back is indeed black!

I don't know if I'll quilt the other one next week or not. I think there may be some piecing of a quilt top that needs to be done. We'll see what I'm in the mood for when we get there.

Linking with Needle and Thread and Busy Hands Quilts

*Please note - Due to the changes made by Blogger dealing with new comment notification, I will be replying directly to your comments on the blog until another solution is found. 


  1. This jean quilt is beautiful! It looks like stained glass. I have been saving jeans for years in order to make a quilt. However, none has even been started yet. Enjoy your new finish!

    1. Thanks! I think it looks like stained glass too. Get those jeans out and make a quilt. You won't regret it!

  2. I agree the quilt is stunning as it looks like beautiful blue hues of stained glass. This quilt will easily become a favorite in your home.

    1. Thanks! I think I should use it for a bit before I give it to one of the kids. It needs a test drive!

  3. The black sashing is smashing! Such a great idea for making the seams lie flatter too.

    1. Thanks, Carole! It is totally flat. Can't feel anything on the back but the wonderful texture from the quilting.

  4. I like the use of the sashing, Well done! And the quilting is top notch!

    1. I agree with you, the sashing makes the quilt. Thanks!

  5. Wonderful use of old jeans, and your quilting looks very nice too!

    1. Thanks, Myra. The quilting looks good overall, but I sure could use a lot more practice!

  6. I really like your denim quilt. The sashing makes it look like stain glass. I am always concerned about a quilt's weight but putting minky on the back without any batting would be a perfect solution. I'll have to remember that for use with the mountains of denim jeans I've saved.

    1. You can definitely feel the difference in the weight of the quilt, but I don't think it's too heavy. I've read that you can also use flannel instead of minky. That might even be lighter still.

  7. Hi Shannon! Oh, I just love the shot of the quilter holders!! No wonder their arms get tired - they are little!! And your quilt turned out just great. I adore all the different quilting patterns. I've not tried minky or anything like it . . . I've heard horror stories. I really, really, REALLY LOVE the sashing between each of the denim blocks. That totally makes the whole quilt, plus it has to help with the quilt laying flatter as you mentioned. Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Fortunately I have bigger quilt holders too. But those little ones are always around to help! I have confiscated the quilt and it's on my couch. It looks so good in my living room! Maybe, just maybe, one of the kids can have it when they leave the house. Maybe!

  8. What a lovely quilt! The quilting looks fabulous and I can just imagine how soft and cuddly the backing is.

    1. Thanks! I wish it was colder so I could use it!

  9. This quilt is fantastic. I love how you quilted it and how striking it is with the sashing. Great job!

    1. Thanks Jasmine! I'm working on the comment problem. Might have it fixed!

  10. I love the layout and pattern of this quilt! I will be making my first jeans quilt and hope to use some of your ideas. You said that, "the seams of the jeans are ironed into the sashing which makes the top feel completely flat. No thick seams." I didn't understand how you did that. Did you sew on top of the sashing to hold the jean edges together? Are the jean edges not sewn to each other and that's how you are eliminating the bulk? Thanks for your clarification. ;-)

  11. how can i get the pattern for quilt number 2?
