Thursday, June 7, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Veggie Tales

For my first Throwback Thursday I've picked two Veggie Tales Quilts. This first one I Made in 2010 and it was one of the first quilts I ever made. I bought a panel with two different blocks - Larry the Tomato shown on this quilt and Bob the Cucumber which I used on the second quilt.

Now keep in mind that I am completely new to sewing and quilting at this point, with only the internet and quilting blogs to help me. I had an old sewing machine my mom bought for me and it did't do much but sew a straight line! I am good at math however, so I got out some graph paper and drew up how I could use the fabric I bought. I probably only had a half hard of a few prints to work with. 

I came up with this design using the border print on top and bottom. The back is all black as I hadn't started piecing backs yet. I quilted straight lines a quarter inch away from the ditch on all the sashing on my sewing machine.

Five years later in 2015 I decided to use the other panel to make us a matching quilt. I dug out all the remaining fabric, did a bunch more designing on graph paper and came up with this. You might guess that I didn't have enough of the panel print to get all the way across the quilt, so I had to break it up with the sashing.

There were two prints I didn't want to use on the front left over so I used them on the back.  I quilted it the same way, but this time on my longarm. All the left over pieces went into I-Spy kits I made in that year too.

We still have both of these quilts on the couches in the front room. They are well loved by the kids. I love them too. They remind me why quilting is so much fun. You get to play with color and fabric, do some math, and sometimes you even get to put a puzzle together and make it beautiful. Yes, I do love math!

Linking with MMM for Throwback Thursday.


  1. Isn’t it cool that we see common threads (ha pun not originally intended) through our quilting journey? Math then and now!

  2. These are so cute, and I like that you are still using the one and added the other. And yay for graph paper. I think it’s still a great way to plan quilts.

  3. Those quilts are so fun looking. I'm afraid to say I just do a quick sketch with measurements and hope it works....maybe graph paper would be useful, Linda

    1. If you can do a good job without it, I say skip it! I'm a visual person, so I really need to see it on the paper.

  4. Fun quilts, and how awesome that they have been so well loved!

    1. I have to work hard to keep them off the ground! Quilts are common place in our house and sometimes don't get treated as the treasure they are.

  5. Oh my goodness, this brings back memories of evenings with my kids watching Bob & Larry (yes, I can still sing some of the songs)! What fun quilts, and so neat that they are still used and loved.

    1. We still sing the hair brush song...and then can't get it out of my head!

  6. I guess I didn't realize you only started quilting in 2010. What fun bright quilts, thanks for sharing the story.

    1. Yep, I'm a young quilter. That's why I love to learn from you!
