Friday, August 24, 2018

Jean Quilt #2

 59" x 71"

My second jean quilt is all finsihed! And it is the last of the tops on the rail for me to quilt. I am officially all caught up on everything! Haven't had the rail clear for quite a while. I even got all the scraps cut and put away and my sewing room is clean. Pat me on the back, would ya!

This one seemed harder than the last one. I didn't want to pull anything too hard because of the minky I used on the back and I think I may have allowed for a little puffiness to sneak into the quilt. Maybe I should go back and give the sashing a wave to tack it down. Do you think I'd end up with some puckers if I did that?

This quilt is different than the last one because it only had  1 kind of  block and 1" sashing instead of 1/2" sashing. I think I like the smaller sashing better and the other quilt pattern too. If you're wondering what I'm talking about you can see it here.

I picked a couple different quilting designs this time, but I kept the water meander and the X's. I was working to make the ribbon's smaller and uniform, but you really have to focus. It isn't easy when people keep walking in the room while I'm quilting.

This quilt is joining the other on my couch for a while. It's nice that the kids like them though. Helps me to want to make 6 more of them! They are great for practicing different designs, but it's going to be a while until I break out the old jeans again.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts


  1. There you are, I thought maybe you were sluffing off, LOL I think I like the wider sashing better.

  2. This is so cool, Shannon! I love how you varied the quilting designs in different patches!

  3. Pat, Pat!! Great job being all caught up! I'm sure your kids will really enjoy this quilt as it begins to cool off.

  4. Hi Shannon! I am a little behind on reading, but great, great, GREAT job. I see what you mean about the different size sashing, and agree that I like the 1/2" better, too. How cool does it feel to be caught up?? Totally, absolutely, completely caught up. WOW! So what new project did you start?!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I;m loving your quilt! And trying to process the idea of having no projects "on the rail" and a clean sewing room. The latter is something I can only dream of.

  6. I have told people about your other quilt. I love the sashing making it so the jeans don’t overlap. This one looks great as well. My family would love the weight with the jeans and minky.

  7. Can I get the pattern for this?

  8. Could you tell me what is the name of this quilt or where I can get the pattern? Love your colors but yes, I agree, I like the smaller sashing.

  9. Beautiful! Very lovely! Do you know where you can get the pattern?

    1. No, I don’t know where there might be a pattern. Sorry!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am starting one now. I’m a little nervous that the Jean squares might end up being very heavy. Also I’m thinking of using 1/2 “ seams so that they are not too bulky. Any thoughts?

  12. It is a heavy quilt. smaller seams won't make it any lighter. But I have made some with 1/2" seems and I like it that way too.

    1. I’ve made 2 denim “stained glass” quilts so far, king size! They are definitely HEAVY!!! I had 1/2 “ black strips in both and 12, 8, 6, 4 and 2” squares in both, made same as “log cabin” quilt. This seems easier, made in blocks. I might have to try it!
