Monday, September 17, 2018

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Sweetart

It's time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival, a time when quilters all over gather and share beautiful quilts hosted by Amy's Creative Side. I am entering my favorite quilt from this year...Sweetart!

It is my favorite for two reasons. The first is it's my own design. This year I started writing patterns. I've probably been playing around in EQ8 a little too much, but it is so much fun. The bright rainbow of color reminds me of candy and I'm a big candy fan!

The second reason this is my favorite quilt is because of the quilting. Because  I was working with all solids in this quilt I decided the quilting needed some special attention. I developed a plan that would allow me to quilt all the way across a row without stopping. The texture is amazing!

The quilting shows so nicely on the back. I use one of my go to fabrics for the backing, a gray and white cross hatch. Black bind finishes the quilt to tie in the strips from the blocks. 

Thanks to Amy for hosting such a fun festival. Can't wait to see all the quilts!

You can find my original post here.


  1. The back of a quilt is my favorite of any quilt. When I finish quilting one I always look at the back first. Your quilting choice really sets off the whole quilt. Very nice.

  2. This quilt is just so gorgeous and I love seeing it again! :D

  3. Oh, what fun! The design is appealing -- what a fun way to display different quilting motifs.

  4. Shannon, what a pretty quilt -- very striking! I really am taken with the grey, black and white with the pops of color! :)

  5. The quilting! The colors! I want some sweet tarts now!ha Great Quilt.

  6. I can see why you love this quilt! It is now on my bucket list. Your quilting is fabulous!

  7. Hi Shannon! I love the candy sweettarts but I really LOVE your quilt!! The gray background really lets all those pretty colors shine so nicely. I am intrigued by your quilting across the rows without stopping. That is just my kind of quilting. I'm so happy you are finding your groove with all of your pattern releases! All that creativity has to have an outlet. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Candy colors with grey looks so fresh and unique. The pattern and your quilting are just perfect in this quilt. Congratulations on publishing the pattern.

  9. Pops of color against the neutral background is so pretty! And, your quilting is beautiful!

  10. Love this! Gotta love a rainbow and your quilting is so fun!

  11. I love quilts with lots of texture, and you nailed it with this one!

  12. The pop of color against the gray and black is really awesome - love it!

  13. I love seeing this quilt, the colorful pattern and the quilting are so great!

  14. Very nice Shannon! The design and quilting are really inspiring! I enjoyed reading about your quilt.

  15. You know I love this pattern and I bought it. It's so nice to see it again and even though I have other projects waiting, I've started cutting the strips before leaving for my weekend visit to my granddaughter's house. I'll be sending you a photo, I see a modern 30's quilt.

  16. Such a lovely quilt. Definitely worth sharing again.

  17. Oh, this is wonderful! I love the colors and the layout and the quilting! What a great creation!
