Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Patchwork Plus - A New Pattern

First finish of the new year is a new pattern! Meet Patchwork Plus, a jelly roll quilt pattern in three sizes - baby, lap/throw, and queen.
66" x 66"

This top one is a lap size quilt. It can be made with one jelly roll and some background fabric. I made mine with Bonnie and Camille prints. This quilt is a perfect combination of modern and traditional. When I look at it I think of my grandma for some reason!

36" x 36"

This one is the baby size made from some American Jane Pezzy Print jelly roll strips I had received from a friend. I love how the yellow binding adds to the bright and happy look of this quilt.

You can find the pattern here. I'm excited that my year is off to a great start. Hope yours is too!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation and Busy Hands Quilts.


  1. Hi Shannon! I meant to comment that your new ironing board and cover are pretty darn snazzy! They look so nice, and what a nice size. Your new quilt pattern looks like a winner to me. I love both of the fabric choices you made, but I especially love the baby quilt. That yellow binding really does make it pop with extra cuteness. Good job to your quilt holders! Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne
