Thursday, February 14, 2019

Garlic Knots

56" x 72"

Here's a scrappy quilt for ya! At the beginning of the year, I was cleaning my sewing room and cutting the scraps to put away. I couldn't get all of them into my scrap bins so I decided to make a couple scrappy quilts. This is the second one I made using the darker muted colors I had in the box. 

I chose to use cream and white prints, mostly from scrap strips, for the background. The colors in this quilt are not my favorites. I was surprised how many I had. While it did make a dent in the box, it won't take long to be overflowing again.

There was nothing big enough in my stash to use for the back which isn't surprising. So I purchased a cream floral print for this quilt. I may not like the fabrics too much, but I do love the look of this quilt.  Cut any fabric small enough and you can make a great quilt!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation and Oh, Scrap!


  1. I love this quilt. I think it's the pop of color in the middle of the deeper hues.

  2. That's such a pretty quilt! The colours may not be your favourites, but when they all come together is a scrap quilt, they don't stand out as much. Hope that the recipient loves it!

  3. Hi Shannon! You are on a scrappy roll. And it's a great roll - I love this one. It's amazing that even when you include prints that you don't like or enjoy, when surrounded with others you a) don't notice it and b) don't mind at all. It is pleasing to the eye and you just skip over those prints you don't like. Happy Thursday to you and good job quilt holder!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. The thing about scraps is when you put them all together they look amazing! It's a beauty, no doubt about it!

  5. LOVE it!!! You definitely don't have to like each individual fabric to appreciate the quilt. Enjoy!

  6. Garlic knots are in my to-do list. I think your quilt turned out great. Nice job getting those scraps into a beautiful quilt and thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. Love this! It's a scrappy delight! And yes, I agree with other comments, you can definitely use anything & everything in a quilt like this!

  8. It is always amazing how well all the different prints and colors can play so well together in scrap land!

  9. This pattern has been on my bucket list. A great choice to use some scraps. I’ll admit that the muted isn’t my favorite either, so I gave away my more muted scraps.
