Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Jungle Babies

Do you ever find things in your closet and wonder - why did I buy that? Well this is one of those for me. I was looking through the drawers to see if I had anything cut up and ready to sew and I stumbled across this pannel. I apparently purchased two of them a while back. I think I was going to try to practice some free motion quilting...

Ya, that didn't happen. I loaded it on the long arm with that intention. After looking at it I realized I would need to quilt it with monopoly thread. Umph. I don't want to mess with that right now. Since it is already loaded I think I'll just get it done and move on!

It has a flannel back and I used the leftover backing for binding as well. At least it is finished and can be sold or given away if the need arises. My little girl was trying to claim it! It is cute, but I think she has enough quilts on her bed right now. I think there is at least four of them.

I found another pile of fabric in the closet too, and I'm not so excited to share this one.  It falls in the the "what were you thinking" category. This quilt should be done in a few weeks. I'm sure you are sitting on the edge of your seat by now!

1 comment:

  1. It is very cute, and sometimes we just can't resist cute when we're shopping for fabric! It's finished!
