Friday, March 8, 2019

Yellow and Gray Baby Pinwheel

40" x 40" 

Another baby quilt for me this week. And more batting scraps used and out of the closet. I love the look of this one, soft and sweet for baby. I used a mixture of bold and soft yellows and grays for this one.

I went with a lighter yellow binding to finish the quilt. The darker ones seemed too bold for this little beauty.

Quick and easy finish for the week. Good thing too since I had to have my sewing machine worked on. Somehow the bobbin case got broken. Apparently, I had a couple singer bobbins hiding in my Janome ones and that is a big no-no according to the sewing machine repair guy. But it's all fixed now and she's purring much better now.


  1. Hi Shannon! You are on a baby quilt roll lately. I love this color combination, and especially all the dotty fabrics you chose. Nothing better than using up some of those batting scraps is there?! I always think score when I find a piece that works/fits and I don't have to cut up a big piece. Do you sew pieces together to make a bigger piece? I haven't done that but I have read where others do. Happy Friday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Sweet quilt, especially with the gray and yellow a favorite color combination for baby and big baby quilts. Glad your sewing machine is better, just wondering how you mixed up the bobbins. Good thing for me is three out the four uses the same and only one uses a metal.

  3. I love the soft gray and yellow together. This makes for such a sweet baby quilt.

  4. How did you know I have been dreaming of using my yellows and grays-maybe you have inspired me. Well first I have a few obligations to get done and then, and then!!
