Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Scrappy Trip Around the World

 64" x 64"

This quilt is made from the fabric line Voyage by Kate Spain. Some time ago, I won a fat eight bundle. I waited patiently for just the right pattern to come my way. I wish I had just a bit more so I could make this quilt bigger. But as it was, I had already added a fee fabrics from my scrap bin and some purple yardage already.

The colors are just fabulous! I tried to be somewhat random in my strip placement, but as I was laying out my blocks, I noticed that I am not so random at all. I did try to keep a lighter piece on both sides of the purple to help it stand out more.

This picture isn't as blurry as the first one. Seems like the wind has been blowing every single day. And we're in for some storms tonight. But done is good and another one is out of the sewing room!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! I have a quilt in this line and it's one of my favorite color combinations. :D

  2. Love, love, love the colors together in a Trip Around the World! This one will be snatched up quickly, I think.
