Sunday, August 25, 2019

Checking In

I am excited that I will actually have a finish to share this week! That scrappy quilt is getting quilted today finally! It's been a long time since I've hit the needle to the fabric. So what have I been doing this month?

We painted the master bedroom a beautiful light blue and added this faux headboard. I was going to make a quilt for our bed, but I've put that off for a while and decided to use this old one I made years ago. I'm still in the process of finding lamp shades to go with the new lamps I bought. I'm also looking at making something for over the bed and the other walls in the room. I haven't decided yet, but my friends have been giving me ideas. This is a long term project as there are other things on my plate this fall. At least the hard part is done.

I also made this junk journal for a class I am teaching in a couple weeks. It's not really a class - we call it life group. It has taken a while to make the book and then put the supplies together. There will be 12 ladies in my life group. I am no expert, and since most of the ladies are my close friends, they don't expect me to be. Should be a fun 8 weeks! 

I will be back later this week with my rainbow quilt finish!

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