Friday, November 22, 2019

Checking In

Just a quick check in this morning to show you what I'm working on. I have this jean quilt top finished. I'm making one for each of my children. Two have been finished for a year or two, but I really didn't enjoy the process back when I made them so I put off making any more. But, I decided to tackle it again recently and I don't know why I thought it was so bad. I rather enjoyed making this one! I think the back should be aqua minky, if I can find a color that goes with the jeans.

We'be been very busy emptying a large trailer of things left over from our old store and selling them locally one thing at a time. So much work. It had to be done as the land it is on got sold and we have to be off by the end of the year. So other than a bit of journal making, I haven't had too much time to sew.  It was really nice to be able to sew this jean quilt one row at a time like a giant log cabin block. At least I felt like I was getting something done! And today starts the preparation for Thursday. My daughter sold a bunch of pies. And of course we have to make some for ourselves. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving!


  1. This will be a treasured quilt for a long time. Minky is a great idea. I've been wondering what you've been up to, so thanks for the update. Happy Thanksgiving to your family!

  2. I too noticed how quiet you've been. Oh Aqua minky for the back is perfect!!! Selling from your store? What kind of store did you have? Still learning more about you, LOL

  3. Hi Shannon! I missed this post in my feed when it was current, but was missing you. I hope all is well especially with the quilt-holder crew. I didn't know you used to have a store but I hope you are having good luck emptying out that trailer. That sounds like a lot of work. Merry Christmas to you and your family if you don't have time to post before then. {{Hugs}} I think of you often. ~smile~ Roseanne
