Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Frolic Quilt

72" x 72" 

I am excited to say this quilt is finally finished! I really love the color combination and am thinking I will use it again in the future. I left the border off completely because I am not a border person and this quilt is more than big enough without it.

Turquoise replaced the lighter blue in the original color scheme because I love bright colors. I also was very specific in my placement of blocks - alternating the navy and the blue. This meant swapping some of the pieces during the last clue, but I had enough cut to get it done. (There were so many pieces left over!)

While I was tempted to keep this beauty, I managed to resist. It did sit on my couch for a couple days, but now it is happily resting in the closet awaiting it's buyer.

1 comment:

  1. This quilt is incredibly beautiful!! I love the color combo too. But so much work!
