Thursday, July 16, 2020

Josie's Second Quilt

81" x 94"

My daughter is 10 and she likes to make things. She has been pestering me about making another quilt for a while so several months ago we took some time and narrowed down an easy pattern for her to make a quilt for her bed. She picked out all the pinks and purples from my stash that she liked. And she picked a lot!

This was an easy pattern for her since there were no seams to match up. Her attention span isn't too long so she would only sew a row or two at a time and there would sometimes be days (lots of days) between sewing. She got disappointed when she would have to seem rip, but that only happened on a couple rows. It laid very flat on the longarm when I was quilting it. 

I made her a quilt in 2013 that was also pink and purple, but I think I like this one better. Emma is asking for a quilt. She picked out some bright and happy colors. Now we just need to find the perfect pattern. She is going to be 7 so I will be sewing this first one. But first the scrap quilts need to be finished!


  1. She did a fabulous job. It looks so pretty on her bed. I like her fabric choices as well.
