Monday, September 7, 2020

Quilty Hearts in Rainbow

Here is a throw size quilty hearts quilt inspired by Myra's twin sized rainbow version.  A customer wanted a rainbow quilt in this pattern, so I helped her decide which colors we should use. This size only allows for 6 colors of the rainbow so I suggested we combine the orange and yellow and the pink and red. 

She loved Myra's quilting so I had her pick out one of my pantographs to quilt this up for her. This one is called Square Spiral - one of my favorites to quilt. 

This is the "after washing" picture which show just how much texture you get from this pattern. I always wash quilts before they leave the house for two reasons. The first and most important - I would hate for a quilt to bleed so I wash with at least 4 color catchers. The second reason is that sometimes people don't realize that the quilt will get all crinkly and shrink once it's washed. This way I can list it at the correct size and the look of it won't change when they wash it.  


  1. Combining those colors really worked. I am sure your customer was thrilled with the end result.

  2. I love how the colors pop on that gray background. Such a beautiful quilt. I like how it turned out combing those colors.

  3. I enjoyed this post thanks for sharing
