Monday, September 21, 2020

Summer of Scraps Wrap Up

Here's my final scrappy quilt of the summer...and just in time. Tomorrow fall officially starts! This is not my first black and yellow quilt as you can tell from all the different scraps and it certainly won't be my last. This is such a nice color combination for almost any room. I pulled in every black/yellow and gray/yellow scrap I could find. That tiger strip is even a left over piece of flannel I snuck in there. It's thin and you don't really notice it. 

All in all, I was able to make 8 scrappy quilts this summer. There is one more quilt top cut into pieces but not sewn at all that didn't make it to it's completion. But that's okay. I'll get to it soon. There is still SO many scraps left to use. I'll be taking a break from scraps while I make a few customer quilts. It is quilt season after all. But I've learned a valuable lesson this summer...don't let your scraps pile up so high that 8 quilts don't make much of dent!!! 


  1. I love it!! what a fun way to use up scraps!!!!

  2. Another great one Shannon! I guess I haven't learned that lesson yet as I haven't had any time this year to work with mine.

  3. Beautiful! I’ve only made one black with yellow quilt before, but this makes me want to do another one.
