Thursday, October 22, 2020

Scraps with Black and White

60" x 72"
The fabric pieces for this quilt were cut this summer, but got put on hold because other quilts took priority. But I am glad it's off my cutting table now and ready for someone to snuggle with. 

It's a one block quilt and there are 30 blocks in the quilt. I started using 9 black and white and 9 color fabrics in each block, but it just seemed like there was too much black and white and not enough color. So I started switching out one or two of the black and white for a colored one in each block. 

 It was still challenging to layout the blocks with all that black and white, but I persevered and got it done. I love the break of color the black and white provide. It's a fun scrappy quilt for sure! Lot's of scraps still to go!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation.


  1. I it!! I did a similar one and added black sashing. I posted in my blog last month (not quilted yet). I really like the way yours turned out!

  2. Love scrap quilts and I think this one is great! I love the black with the bright colors. I'm inspired.

  3. It's fabulous, Shannon! I think your balance of brights with black and white is perfect.

  4. Oh what a beauty of all colors. I am hoping to at least cut more scraps up in the next couple of weeks, maybe I'll even get to sew a few;)

  5. So cute! I love how fun, wild, and bright this quilt is.

  6. Just coming across your blog. Scrappy Quilts are my favorite and this one of yours is lovely...there is a satisfying feeling I get when I see a quilt that successfully pulls so many fabrics into one sweet masterpiece. simply lovely. :)
