Thursday, December 31, 2020

Pink Valentine Quilt

Now that Christmas is over, who's ready for Valentine's Day? Not me, that's for sure!  But I did make this fun pink quilt from all scraps. All shades of reddish pink including a few that are almost red. I used 2.5" strips and squares for this one. I tried to cut an equal amount of light, dark, and medium fabrics. 

56" x 64"

The top was so pink I knew that I couldn't put a pink back on it. That would make it too "little girl". So to make it more mature feeling, I went with a white and gray print that reads as light gray. 

But I added a pink paisley strip to add some fun. And I didn't have enough gray to do the whole back anyway....but we're going to go with the fun reason anyway.

Whether you like pink or you wanna decorate the living room for Valentine's Day, this quilt will fit the bill. And a bunch of scraps are out of my bins!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation


  1. So pretty and a great use of scraps--and stash fabrics. I always seem to have so much pink.

  2. Great use of all those pink scraps. I think it is going to really brighten a gray day.

  3. Luv there a pattern for it?

  4. Do you have a pattern for this quilt? It’s gorgeous…
