Friday, January 15, 2021

Color in the Lines Throw

62" x 72"

I spent some time in December working on this scrappy quilt. It was inspired by the Charming Baby Remix quilt called Color in the Lines made by Melissa. I loved the one she made, but I didn't have the darker richer gray that she used for hers. So I went with what I had, even the backing which is a gray on gray print came from my stash. I modified the size to be a little smaller than the one Melissa made. 

I accidently cut too many 5" squares when making the front, so I used them on the back. I went through my bin of 5" squares and picked out an even number of each color. 

I am really struggling this week to get some good shots of this quilt. I've tried several times and it's either been too windy, to cloudy, or just plain not nice. I'm tired of taking pictures, so this is what we get for now. Honestly, I just don't have the time to keep trying right now. 

 I am working on a pattern that I really love, so that is helping the fact that I don't get too much time in the sewing room currently. Hope to have it finished in a couple of weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the quilt - simple, scrappy quilts are the best! Now I'm going to have to make one myself!
    Thanks for sharing! Deb E
