Thursday, September 29, 2022

Jewel Tones Scrappy Quilt #1

This is the first jewel tone quilt made from the scraps in the photo below. I actually cut the scraps into 3 quilt kits. It's amazing how far scraps will go. This quilt is going to a friend of mine who loves red. The deep rich colors in this quilt are perfect for her! (and they go nicely in my living room, I was tempted to keep it!)

Here's the pile of scraps I pulled out a while ago. I used all three sizes of my scraps - 2.5" squares, 5" squares, and 2.5" strips. This is enough for 3 quilts and then some. I still have quite a bit left over in a bin. When I finish the next 2 quilts, I will see if there is enough for another quilt. Such a rich, deep beautiful rainbow of fabrics!



  1. It is a beautiful quilt I could see why you would like one in your home. And I love that rainbow scrappy goodness.
