Friday, October 28, 2011

Blogger's Quilt Festival


Welcome visitors from the Blogger's Quilt Festival!

This is my version of a ticker tape quilt. I bought a kit with this cute baby girl fabric in it, but the fabric was printed crooked! Oh no! What to do? I had been wanted to try this technique so I cut up the fabric and some from my stash, laid it out, spray basted it, and sewed it on top of the quilt sandwich with a zig zag stitch. It worked out very well. Thanks for looking!


  1. How cute Shannon! Just love it. it's so sweet... :)
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy the festival!

  2. Cute, I like that it is one that can be used in any direction. Panels are rarely printed straight, sad to say.

  3. So pretty and sweet. Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. What adorable fabric in a really darling quilt. Serendipitous result from something badly printed! Thanks for sharing and have a good day

  5. What a great solution to your problem. This quilt looks wonderful!

  6. Don't you just hate that when the panels are crooked? This is such a great solution for that problem and the quilt is just adorable.

  7. This one just makes me smile. Great fix to an oops with the printing.

  8. How cute is this quilt?! Love it.

  9. When one gets lemons....make lemonade...and you certainly did...lovely quilt, made me smile.
