Monday, December 12, 2011

Minky for Twins

I really wanted to try Minky...not so much anymore. What a pain to sew with! I was going to make a rag quilt with the squares that I cut, but then I found out minky doesn't fray like flannel. So I decided to do the top in minky and use a flannel backing. Sewing the top was hard because the squares shift on you even when you pin them. But once I got it on the quilting machine, it quilted easily. No batting on these as they are think and warm already and so soft! I love the finsihed product but no the piecing process! As I was sewing the tops (especially the second one) I told myself, "NO MORE MINKY!" But after I finished the them, they are so wonderful.....I think it's like having a baby - after a while you forget about the delivery and want another!

These are for a set of twins at church, I thought the "almost matchiness" was perfect!

I put a flannel monkey pattern on the back, next time though it should be something darker.

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