Monday, February 13, 2012

Quilt Ministry Update

We had a great time Friday sewing quilts!  And we have now delivered our first 2 quilts to a couple guys who both have cancer.  Pastor Jeff brought back a great report from the first one, that he was truly blessed to receive our quilt.  So exciting!  Here is the first one, the second one I forgot to take a picture, but it looks very similar to this one.  We didn't have enough of the main fabric to put on the back so we made 2 quilts instead.

 Then we pieced the back with large 10 in squares.  I think it turned out great and we stretched our fabric!
 Here's the label that we are using for all the quilts except the baby dedication ones.  The verse is Psalm 34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Speaking of baby dedications, we have 2 baby quilts going out this weekend.  One will be the first one we made for the little boy (see the previous post) and the second will be the little girl quilt we worked on Friday.  Don't have a picture yet, still working on the binding.  Will have that tomorrow for you!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo for you, Shannon!! Great work by you and all your sewing sisters!!
